photos August 1, 2019August 2, 2019 • admin Sea turtle hunting a plastic bottle Plastic trash in sea Garbages, plastic, and wastes on the beach after winter storms. Bird surrounded by plastic photo by Matthew Chauvin Eating plastic Death whales Monk seal Laysan Island photo by Matthew Chauvin Your plastic straw is killing turtles Kuta beach Bali (Indonesia) Insane amount of plastic waste on a beach Sea turtle eating plastic Sea lion got his snout covered with a plastic bucket River full of plastic Bird strangled by plastic inlcuding a balloon Volunteers try to clear a dam which is filled with discarded plastic bottles and other garbage, blocking Vacha Dam, near the town of Krichim Our natural environment infested with plastic waste PET bottle on a beach Dolphin with a plastic shopping bag Beach trash collection Sea lion strangled by a fishnet Collection of plastic lighters Seagull with litter Another sea bird killed by consuming plastic Seahorse by Cavalo Marinho Ocean pollution is a real fact Plastic trash pollution Labuan Bajo (Flores Island Indonesia) Plastic shopping bag Diver makes a selfie from all the plastic that floats around him PET bottles Branded pollution « ‹ of 3 › »